How To Make Animated Text On Instagram Story

Easy Way To Make Animated Text on Instagram Story - Have you ever seen someone else's Instagram Story post appear with animated moving text? If so, maybe you are wondering how to make an Instagram Story like that?
How To Make Animated Text On Instagram Story
Animated Text on Instagram Story
To create text with animated effects on Instagram Story, most users use a trick that takes advantage of the GIF Stickers of the alphabet letters with animated displays. Unfortunately, this method is very troublesome, because we must manually search a letter one by one from a word through the Instagram Story GIF sticker search.

Fortunately, Instagram currently provides a feature in the form of animated text effects. With these features, anyone can create their Instagram Story with animated text to all types of fonts in Instagram Story, without using GIF or app assistance.

So, how do you create an animated text effect on Instagram Story? It's so easy, just follow these simple tutorials.

How To Make Animated Text On Instagram Story

Before stepping into the tutorial stage, please update the Instagram application on your phone first to the latest version. When it's finished, you can start applying the tutorial to make animated text in the Instagram Story below.
  • Open the Instagram app
  • Tap the Story feature button
  • Record a video with the effect you want, or add a picture that you want to make your Instagram Story video
  • The next step, on the Story video preview, tap on the feature button to add text in the upper right corner
  • Write any words or sentences you want. You can also choose the type of font provided to apply to the written text
  • Tap the animated text effect feature button, marked with an icon of the letter "A" with two lines beside it, next to the text background color feature
    Make Animated Text on Instagram Story
  • Shortly after that, you will see the text that you make moves with animated text effects that vary with each type of text font
  • Finally, tap the 'Done' button, then share your Instagram Story video post with a moving text display using the animated text feature. For more details, see this video tutorial.
  • Video Source: U. Ismail YouTube Channel
With these animated text features, you can easily create uniquely moving text effects to the Instagram Story without another single app assistance.

That's all the information on how to make unique moving text Story post on Instagram by using the animated text feature from Caption Tips. Hopefully, can be useful for you.